Hello everyone!

St Margaret’s Centre has had a wonderful and busy year. As one of the partner organisations of the Durham Mental Wellbeing Alliance, which launched in April, we have seen an influx of new referrals and have matched that need with a wider range of activities than ever before.

We would like to give a big thank you to our staff, volunteers, and external providers for their hard work; to our funders, donors and fundraisers for their support; and to our attendees for helping to create the warm and welcoming atmosphere that makes the centre such as lovely place.

Our activity timetable for January 2023 by the links below:

*** January 2023 Timetable – pdf ***

*** January 2023 Timetable – docx  ***

Bookings can be made from 9am on Tuesday 3rd January by contacting the centre on 0191 384 8100 or enquiries@stmargaretscentre.co.uk, or by messaging us on our Facebook. If you don’t get through to someone on the phone, please leave a message with your name and number and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you would like to find out how to refer to the centre, please click here.

We hope you all have a lovely Christmas and New Year!