Hello everyone,

Our new activity timetable is now available via the links below.

*** November 2022 Timetable – pdf ***

*** November 2022 Timetable – docx  ***

Bookings can be made from 9am on Monday 24th October by contacting the centre on 0191 384 8100 or enquiries@stmargaretscentre.co.uk, or by messaging us on our Facebook. If you don’t get through to someone on the phone, please leave a message with your name and number and we will get back to you as soon as possible. If you would like to find out how to refer to the centre, please click here.

We would firstly like to inform you all that on Friday 28th of October our Café will be closing temporarily until further notice. Please bring packed lunches or eat before you arrive at the centre as there will be no food or cooking facilities available for anyone that has forgotten. We apologise for the inconvenience.

Covid-19: Though the government has now relaxed most Covid-19 restrictions, we ask that you please do not attend the centre if you are experiencing any symptoms of Covid-19, or have received a positive test result. This will help to keep the centre safe and accessible for people with health conditions, and we really appreciate your support throughout this time.

We look forward to seeing you soon!