16 08, 2021

Craft Shop Now Open


After a long year of hard work by our attendees and volunteers, our craft shop is now open! Based in one of the centre's workshops, The Cutting Edge craft shop stocks a wide variety of MDF craft and decorative items, and provides volunteering and supported work experience opportunities. We also create bespoke designs to order [...]

Craft Shop Now Open2021-08-16T14:26:34+01:00
21 09, 2017

Shabby Chic


Carol's latest Introduction to Shabby Chic course has just finished. Attendees were shown a variety of techniques and tested them out by decorating their MDF boxes. Are you interested in learning some new design skills? Subscribe to our newsletter for all the latest news and courses, by clicking on this link -

Shabby Chic2017-09-21T14:05:27+01:00
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